Save the Date for a Penny Kelly Event!

Author, teacher and naturopathic physician Penny Kelly returns to RHA for a lecture and workshop event.

May 1: Robes–A Look at Coming Changes -6:30 to 9:30 p.m.

May 2: Preparing Yourself For The World You Want-9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

May 3: Penny will be available for consultation.

Go to Appointments /Book Now /Book Classes to reserve your spot now!  Limit 20


(reserve a consult time with Penny-$165/hour-by contacting: [email protected])


May 1: Robes – A Look at Coming Changes  

Between 1980 and 1982, a group of little men in brown robes began appearing to Penny Kelly and wanted to ‘show her some pictures.’ Although reluctant at first, she eventually agreed and over the next two years was taken into the future where she saw profound changes happening in our world. She also saw the results of the changes, many of which were amazing and inspiring. From changes in government, business, money, and education, to complete shifts in medicine, relationship, parenting, and consciousness, there was no area of life left untouched. The message from the Robes to all of us on the planet was twofold. The first was “If you do not have a vision of what you could create, you will not be able to make it through the coming changes.” The second was, “You are creating the future every moment of every day and we hope you will take responsibility for this and create consciously.” Join us for a fascinating lecture on the nature of life in the immediate future, as well as over the coming decades, and leave with a deeply renewed sense of excitement and possibility!


Time: 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.             Cost: $35 


(Coffee, tea, and water will be provided, along with a few snacks for those who didn’t have time to eat dinner.)

Clothing: Wear comfortable clothing. And since we will be on the lower level of the building, you may wish to bring a warm sweater, jacket, afghan, or blanket – just in case it’s cool.


May 2: Preparing Yourself For The World You Want

If we are going to move smoothly into a different world, a change in perception, consciousness, expectations, and lifestyles would be necessary. But where do you begin to make such changes? What is necessary in your own life, and what do you need to be looking for in the world outside? What are the pitfalls in perception, consciousness, and decision-making that are common when change occurs, and how do you avoid these? What are the hidden assumptions you hold, and what if events move in a direction other than what you want or expect? These are only some of the questions and exercises we will go through in this workshop that is focused on getting you to take stock of where you’re at, where the community around you is at, the world you would love to live in, and what is actually coming at all of us. We are in a time of exciting change and many challenges. Join us for an intense day of self-examination and exploration. The result will be a whole new view of the world and your place in it, as well as a true expansion of what you think is possible. The new human on the horizon is you and the new world taking shape is the one you will create. Come! Be part of that unfolding future and discover your part in helping to unfold a world you would love to live in.


Time: 9:30am – 5:30pm             Cost: $120


Lunch: Lunch will be from 12:30 – 1:15 pm. Bring a bag lunch. Coffee, tea, and water will be provided.

Clothing: Wear comfortable clothing. And since we will be on the lower level of the building, you may wish to dress warmly and/or bring a warm sweater, jacket, afghan, or blanket – just in case it’s cool


To Register:  Call or email: Pat Roach (248)318-2051 or [email protected] or reserve your spot on-line.

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