Bio Well Analysis-Energy Medicine
What it is
The Bio-Well device is a GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization) camera which measures the distribution of the energy levels of the body. This cutting-edge technology measures the state of a person’s energy field and produces an accurate assessment analysis of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual conditions. Energy plays a significant role when attempting to understand the health and functioning of a human being.
What it measures
If you are interested in measuring how your body is managing and adapting to stress, a Bio-Well assessment is a great assessment tool. You can view your chakra alignment and see areas of inflammation in the body. It will give you immediate and visual insights into what is acutely happening in your body. For instance, you will learn: – Where in your body/organs do you have blockages – Where your body is storing physical and emotional trauma – What areas of your body/organs are the most unbalanced – What areas of your body are truly balanced and doing well – How your body is managing and adapting to stress – Your biorhythms for the next month – You will receive a 21 page digital report of the findings.
Then we will balance your energy with the latest and greatest working with Energy Medicine including;
Sound Healing with Crystal Bowls, Tuning Forks, Eden Energy Medicine, Reiki, Drumming, Aroma Therapy and whatever else Kathleen deems necessary.