Raindrop Technique

Scientists are now finding that many types of scoliosis and spinal misalignments can be caused by viruses or bacteria that lie dormant along the spine.  With this series of Young Living oils, these ailments can be helped and greatly reduced.  These Young Living oils also provide relief from common colds, fibromyalgia, arthritis, skin disorders and much more.  In this session you will enjoy earthly aromatics of oregano, thyme, basil, cypress, wintergreen, marjoram, and peppermint accompanied with everyone’s favorite blends, Valor and Aroma Siez.  This application is followed with hot compresses and gentle neck stretching.


90 minutes: $115



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Contact Us

Rochester Holistic Arts
118 Terry Ave. Suite A,
Rochester MI 48307
Phone: (248) 330-9569
